Real talk.

lifestyle blog |

I’m still on the fence as to whether or not this blog is a good idea.

I left my stressful job in ecommerce at a global tech company one month ago to reassess what is important to me. I recognize that this time off was a wonderful opportunity (#supportivehusband) to figure out life’s next steps, and I found that I really missed working. I want to be with my baby, but I also find it empowering to work outside the home and provide for my family.

Thankfully, I quickly received two job offers. I started my new gig this week, and my hope is that it will be rewarding while still allowing me to be present for my daughter, husband, and our pups.

Balance is hard — my work, friendships, frappuccino habit. All of it.

What the hell does that have to do with what bebe wears? I’m not sure if I can articulate it. I have two photos from the day she was born. It feels like time has flown by — just as everyone warned that it would — and I can’t help but feel that I’ve missed something. This blog is about more than how I dress my baby. I don’t want to miss anything else.

I’m just a new mom trying to wing it with as much finesse as I can muster.

Real talk.